Tagged "cloudflare"

This website is finally running on Cloudflare Workers

I’ve been planning to move my hobby website to a serverless architecture such as Cloudflare Workers for some time. Recent rise of serverless platforms really interests me and I’ve been experimenting with some basic ideas for a while including this website. So that means I do not need any VPS providers such as GCP, AWS or Linode anymore to host my website. Particularly, isolates used by Cloudflare Workers seems to be the next step of sharing more resources on the same hardware. Also, since it includes WebAssembly, you can code in a different language such as Rust and still target this platform.

Improving privacy by using encrypted DNS

Domain Name System (DNS) has been around for the better part of the last 35 years. Its basic premise of translating memorized domain names to IP addresses didn’t really change. However, its unencrypted nature might lead to DNS hijackings or privacy violations. You can check from here if you’re using an encrypted DNS. Fortunately, two different propositions, namely DNS over HTTPs and DNS over TLS emerged in this area to combat these shortcomings. Different public resolvers and clients started to support these standarts in the last few years. If we look at the more commonly used softwares, Android 9 and Firefox added support for this a few years ago and Google Chrome is currently experimenting.

Experimental HTTP/3 support with Cloudflare and Google Chrome

It is now possible to experiment with HTTP/3 thanks to some collaboration between Cloudflare and Google Chrome teams. And of course, this site is HTTP/3 enabled for those who use Google Chrome Canary builds (at least for now).